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The ABC's of Me: Who I am in Christ

(Ages 3-7)


Teacher: Nora Hassell


Sure you know your name and your age.  You might even know what game you like best and how to get to Grandma's house.  But do you know who you REALLY are?  Deep, deep down to your innermost core?!?


In this class we will explore and discover what Bible scripture says about out true identities as God's children.  From A-Z, children will engage in hands-on crafts, games, memory work, and songs to encounter their true identities in Christ!


Tuition: $60 semester ($20 per month)

Materials fee:  $25









Torah Club Kids    

(Ages 4-7)

Teacher: Staci Proctor

This class will introduce the young child, ages 4-7, to Torah (Bible) study using a free 8-page downloadable booklet from First Fruits of Zion based on the Torah portion of the week through age-appropriate activities, games, crafts, and lessons. This is a Messianic (Christian) curriculum and will incorporate both Old and New Testament stories using flannel graph and other Bible Story books.

Tuition:  Free
Materials Fee:  $25 per semester

torah clubhouse.webp

Torah Clubhouse    

(Ages 8-12)

Teacher: Staci Proctor

This class is a weekly Messianic (Christian) Jewish educational experience from First Fruits of Zion tailored for disciples ages 8-12. Alongside Torah portion lessons and interactive activities, each installment features the Clubhouse Crew cartoon, which brings the teachings to life by illustrating their practical applications in everyday situations. Young disciples connect with the relatable Clubhouse Crew, who bring Torah (Bible) learning to life in everyday scenarios. This immersive experience fosters meaningful connections to Scripture. Each lesson features a variety of activities like word searches and puzzles that engage young minds. These exercises are tailored to the weekly lesson, offering a fun way to deepen understanding of the material. Class time will be devoted to reading the lesson together, and supplemental games and activities to help us with learning application. Will include both Old and New Testament lessons.

Tuition:  $80 per student for fall semester   ($20 per month)

              $15 per student for spring semester  ($5 per month)

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